We're proud to always welcome patients into our practices. Whether you're new to town, need to restart your dental care, or are looking for a more convenient dentist, our New Patient Offer is a great introduction to our practice. New patients receive an exam, all necessary x-rays, a cleaning, and a personalized treatment plan for $57.

Want a straight smile quickly? Who wouldn’t! It can be possible with accelerated orthodontics, which is intended to straighten the teeth faster than traditional braces. Many accelerated orthodontic systems require a minor surgical procedure in combination with traditional orthodontic appliances (i.e. braces, clear aligners) to stimulate faster tooth movement.

Surprisingly, almost 75% of adults in the United States have misaligned teeth. The benefits of straight teeth go far beyond beautifying your smile. Good teeth alignment can reduce your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, jaw pain, digestive issues, tooth damage, and speech problems. Not to mention, straight teeth can improve self-esteem, general health, and overall well-being.

Have you been told that you have a crossbite smile? A crossbite occurs when your top teeth and bottom teeth do not come together properly. Normally, upper teeth should come slightly over your bottom teeth when you bite together.

If you’re considering brightening your smile, you’re probably questioning, ‘is teeth whitening safe for teeth?’ Many teeth-whitening products use hydrogen peroxide as the active whitening agent, which is found to be safe and effective in whitening teeth when used appropriately. Hydrogen peroxide toothpaste and hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening gel are commonly found over-the-counter. In this article we will explore hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening has more than just an esthetic benefit. Teeth whitening can improve the health of your smile and boost your self-confidence. In this article we will discuss the importance of teeth whitening and the best teeth whitening products recommended by dentists.

One of the most common things people want to change about their smile is the shade of their teeth. Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that removes surface stains and makes teeth brighter in shade. Our teeth naturally become darker over time due to dietary habits, certain medications, smoking, natural tooth enamel wear, or trauma.

A dental emergency can catch you by surprise, especially if you’re not prepared. Emergency dental care is common in the United States, with an estimated 2 million visits to hospital emergency departments for dental pain, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

Bumps or sores can be truly uncomfortable, especially when they occur in your mouth. Gum boils, also referred to as a type of dental abscess, commonly affect individuals across the United States. In fact, according to research done in 2005, 1 per every 2600 Americans were admitted to hospitals for dental infection.

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